Reflections on the Via Podiensis GR65

Reflections on the Via Podiensis GR65 Camino across France Since finishing our walk along the Via Podiensis and heading home we have been reflecting on the many different experiences and adventures we had along the way. One of the most common questions we have been asked upon our return is whether it was 'as good as' the Camino Frances, which we walked last October, and whether we "liked it" as much. Surprisingly, it is rather difficult to provide a simple and succinct answer to that question. In short, the Via Podiensis was stunningly beautiful and very different from the Camino Frances , and we enjoyed it enormously. As to how it compared to the Camino Frances ... here are some of our initial thoughts and impressions, largely unorganized and in no particular order... Trail Details and Information The main trail from Le Puy en Velay to Roncesvalles is 774 km, which is similar in length to the Camino Frances. However, we found the terrain to be far more ch...