Welcome to Our Via Podiensis GR65 Blog

Via Podiensis GR65 Blog

Chemin Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Welcome to our Via Podiensis blog!  Over the span of 41 days from May to July we walked this 736 km pilgrimage route from Le Puy-en-Velay, France to Roncesvalles, Spain.  I am a naturalist and bird lover, and Sean is a landscape photographer.  

Chemin Saint-Jacques De Compostelle Via Podiensis GR65 Blog

Together we hiked, photographed, and blogged this pilgrimage route across France, and it was unlike any of the previous pilgrimage trails we've previously walked.  For those of you interested in hiking the trail, we have included a description and review of the clothes and gear we took with us.

Thank you for reading, and 'Bon Chemin'!
Via Podiensis GR65 Map Come Walk With Us.
Day 1 - Flying Off! Toronto, Canada to Lyon, France
Day 2 - Arriving at the Beginning, Lyon to Le Puy en Velay 
Day 3 - First Steps on the Via Podiensis, Le Puy en Velay to Saint-Privat-d'Allier
Day 4 - Bridges and Beasts, Saint-Privat-d'Allier to Saugues
Day 5 - Aubrac Hospitality,  Saugues to Lajo
Day 6 - French Cheese and Aligot,  Lajo to Aumont Aubrac
Day 7 - Aubrac Plateau,  Aumont Aubrac to Nasbinals
Day 8 - Fruit Tarts and Festivals,  Nasbinal to St Chely d'Aubrac
Day 9 - Historical Cities and Lush Forests,  St Chely d'Aubrac to Espalion
Day 10 - Detours and Chocolate Nuns,  Espalion to Bonneval Abbey
Day 14 and 15 - St. Roch and Rainstorms, Conques to Livinhac-le-Haut
Day 17 - Blessings and Challenges, Figeac to Lacapelle Marival
Day 18 - Quercy Huts and Stone Walls, Lacapelle Marival to Gramat
Day 19 - Castles in the Sky, Gramat to Rocamadour
Day 20 - Coincidences and Conversations, Rocamadour to Labastide-Murat
Day 24 - Fields and Frescos, Lascabanes to Lauzerte
Day 28 - Spring Blooms and the Pyrenees, Saint Antoine to Lectoure
Day 29 - Shifting our Perspectives, Lectoure to La Romieu
Day 30 - Through Fields of Wheat, La Romieu to Larressingle
Day 33 - A Night in the Cathedral, Nogaro to Aire-sur-l'Ardour
Day 34 - Summer Temperatures Arrive, Aire-sur-l'Adour to Arzacq-Arraziguet
Day 35 - Sunflowers and Trail Magic, Arzacq-Arraziguet to Arthez-de-Bearn
Day 36 - Pilgrim Wisdom and Walled Cities, Arthez-de-Bearn to Navarrenx
Day 38 - Basque Country, Aroue to Ostabat Asme
Day 39 - A Return to the Camino Frances, Ostabat to Saint Jean Pied de Port
Day 40 - Crossing the Pyrenees a New Perspective, St. Jean Pied de Port to Orisson
Day 41 - The end of the Road (for us), Orisson to Roncesvalles

GR65 Via Podiensis Chemin Le Puy Blog

Additional Hiking Adventures to Enjoy

We have also completed several other long-distance hikes in Canada, including the Bruce Trail, the East Coast Trail, and 19,000 km of the Trans Canada Trail from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic.

See you on the Trail!
